Family Protect Insurance

We provide support to cover your final and funeral expenses


About US We protect the peacefulness of your family.

Family Protect Insurance is a national independent life insurance agency representing Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company®. We are a group of professionals that are devoted to the communities where we live and work.

We have over 600 dedicated team members and associates who provide caring assistance to families in need, and deliver much needed programs to help our families at ease. Family Protect Insurance life insurance agents care for more than 10,000 families each year and understand the importance of thoughtful, final arrangements.

10 years of experience

Dedicated to the community and protect the tranquility of families in the United States.

+ than 10,000 Families

We have benefited and helped to understand the importance of final and funeral arrangements.

+ than 600 members and associates

working with us and our program through products and services for the community.

Our plan Our services

Our team

A team of professionals working with us and our program through products and services for the community.

Meet our team

Contact us

+1 (800) 259-4703

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